More Stories of Eco-Gastronomy
Bibliothèque de Westmount, Montréal, 2017
In Memory's Kitchen
Université Hamline, St-Paul (MN), 2016
Stories of Eco-Gastronomy
Terra Madre/Salone del Gusto, Turin, 2016
Where Où Firma?
Salon Merlimau, Singapour, 2016
The Gastronome in You
Capital Fringe, Washington DC, 2015
Hexa_Out 9: Consuming Life
Hexagram-CIAM, Montréal, 2014
Rethinking Food: Slow, Thoughtful, and Delicious
Bibliothèque de Westmount, Montréal, 2013
La bibliothèque humaine
Bibliothèque de Westmount, Montréal, 2012
The Ecologies of Taste
Festival TodaysArt, Den Haag, 2012
Voyage didactique UNISG
Le Devoir, Montréal, 2011
Slow Food and Eating Locally
CTV News, Montréal, 2010
Un pays, une culture (Italie)
Radio-Canada Vancouver, 2010